About Us

Back in 2020, our CEO Zeynep was struck by how overwhelming it was to select the right CRM tool for the business she was working for. With hundreds of options, no easy way to understand which one had all the features she needed, and Sales reps keen to make some quick commission, she wasn’t alone. On average, it takes 11 weeks and upwards of $25,000 for a company to make a decision on a CRM tool and, even then, over 70% of rollouts are considered failures by the teams that use them.

Three years later, the problem was as prevalent as ever and Zeynep was galvanized into action, to assemble our Vendor Box dream team. The combined experience of our original team (OT) amounts to over 1 million tickets processed through over 11 different CRMs. We have all felt the pain of working with CRMs that are not the right fit, along with the frustration of having to use a melting pot of multiple other tools and plugins to make up for their limitations. What’s more, we have also all experienced key decision makers claiming that the switching cost is too high to consider a shift.

This is where Vendor Box comes in. We’re on a mission to make your CRM selection process simpler, better, and faster. Through personalized, informed suggestions, we’ll give you the opportunity to make a smart decision about which CRM tool you choose, increasing your chances of a successful roll out.

Let us do the research and thinking for you – we’ll whittle down an 11-week process to a 10-minute questionnaire. For the small fee of $350, we will present you with a custom set of recommendations based on your personal requirements, that will allow you to make an informed decision about which tool is right for you.

The best part? We make our recommendations free from any bias. While others may be focused on pushing certain tools due to their commission value, our priority is you and your needs. The tools we recommend will be based on that, and that alone.

The Team


CEO & Founder




Head of Growth

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Don’t waste 11 weeks searching for the right CRM tool for your business.​ We can deliver a personalized, bias-free recommendation to your inbox in less than 3 business days.